Friday, March 4, 2011

Custom things

 Here at Holden's Hut, I LOVE making custom things! Holden's BFF Campbell is turning 2 soon and his birthday party is going to be Toy Story themed. I wanted to make something for Holden that was either cowboy or astronaut themed. Well when we were reading a shape book they had the cutest picture or a spaceship and I knew I that was it and I wanted to make something like it.
 And this is what I came up with! An adorable rocket shirt just right for the party!
 Then I flipped it over and added his name to the back. : ) Just a little something extra.
 This little onesie Holden wore on Valentines Day but would be perfect any day
And this shirt I just love! I saw a shirt kinda like it on tv and thought I could make something like it. And here it is!

Do you have a design that you would like on a shirt that you don't see? Just shoot me an e-mail and I will get it done for you!


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