Saturday, October 16, 2010

Holden's Hope October

Meet Larkin! Isn't this little boy just beautiful?? This little boy has to be one of the luckiest little boys in the whole world. Do you want to know why?? As of September 18, 2010 not only did he officially become a American citizen but he was adopted from the country of Ethiopia by his wonderful Mommy!

Here is a little about how Larkin's Mommy Shay went about wanting to adopt and getting her sweet little boy!
I went to Ethiopia in 2008 on a mission trip and worked in orphanages for two weeks. After the first visit to an orphanage, I knew that I wanted to adopt. I knew that God was calling me to adopt. As soon as I returned home, I began looking at the different agencies and chose America World. After two long years of fundraising and paperwork, I got a call about an adorable two year old boy. I immediately fell in love with his chubby cheeks and big brown eyes. I traveled back to Ethiopia in August of this year for a court appointment and got to spend almost two weeks getting to know my son.  And I was able to travel back again a month later to bring him home!!!! Larkin Elam Sanderson became an official American citizen on September 18, 2010.

I am a fifth and sixth grade Language Arts teacher in a small town outside of Nashville, TN. I have been a teacher for seven years and love every moment spent with my students! I like to read, watch television, and spend time outdoors on the river. Over the past two years, my heart has developed a soft spot for Africa and its wonderfully loving people. I am very lucky to have a supportive group of family and friends who love Larkin as much as I do and are always willing to help with anything I need!
Larkin turned two in May and is very smart! He loves to play with his tool set and cement truck, making as much noise as possible! His favorite television show is Glee. He loves the dancing and singing, and usually joins in with his own dance! He has already learned a few English words. His first word was Mommy, and my heart completely melted! He never goes anywhere without his Elmo doll. So it's no surprise that Elmo was his second word. He loves to explore and check out his new world.

We are so lucky to be able to share this special shirt with so many amazing families! This month I thought that Larkin's story was just so amazing and so uplifting! Welcome to America Larkin! I hope that you always know how much you were wanted and prayed for!


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